Do you know that feeling of wanting, yearning to be a business owner? Do you think about how you can leverage your skills to create additional income streams?? Do you have any idea what you want to do??? I will admit, it does take some quality brain storming to figure it out. Your business should be a combination of what you’re passionate about and what others will value.
Once you have an idea, you’re not quite…you’re not done. If you can’t explain the business in less than two to three succinct sentences, more brain storming and research is probably needed. There is soooo much fine-tuning and industry research involved. Take some time to see what information is out there as you browse the internet. Notate who’s already doing similar work, what things they are doing well and where they could improve.
When I would talk about my business over a year ago and beyond, I couldn’t quite simplify it entirely. I came up with something that I felt my heart would be in, that didn’t exactly exist and that required me to get additional education. Even though I felt that my business idea was incomplete, I knew it necessary to talk about it to other professionals in order to gain more insight. Someone close to me even recommended that I speak to another family member about my idea. This was extremely useful! You may already know someone close by who can shed some light for you, as well.
I am so, so glad that I shared my original idea with professionals in that industry and that they were willing to even have these discussions with me! I learned a tremendous amount about how things really worked and it made me reorganize my plans. Gaining a clearer vision of my goals propelled me to become more strategic in how I moved forward; which helped me save money and time…and I love saving these necessary resources!
After days, months and dare I say, years (with many pauses in between), I had an epiphany that changed everything for me in 2020. Now, I am working on this idea as we speak: Teaching financial literacy to high school students. I am working on my first presentation: Saving for College. Even with my busy schedule, I know that I can do this work! I am excited to see how it grows. Let’s gooooo!
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I still have a lot of work to do and I hope you are diligently working towards your goals too. Happy Brain Storming!